A dead simple login brute-force tool


Being written in python 3 makes it easier for the user to customize it according to their needs and circumstances.


Very simple to understand and get started. It has been made with beginners in mind and has easy to understand error handling.

Open Source

Callow is available free of charge under the GPL-3.0 license and can be used for both, commercial and non-commercial purposes.




  1. Python 3.5+
  2. Google chrome
  3. ChromeDriver

Note: Use the ChromeDriver version corresponding to your Chrome version.


Using git :

git clone
or Download zip ~4.20MB (nice!)

Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


If you want to get most recent updates for Callow, just pull the repository using

git pull origin master
Or, you can download the latest version from releases page on Github.

Quick Start

If you are doing this first time, you can test this safely on our sandbox so that no one gets harmed

Most important part for this to work is to get the selectors right. To do that:

  1. Run in the installation directory
  2. Go to the page that has the login page
  3. Open developer tools using Ctrl + Shift + I
  4. Enter the css selector for <input> tags for username and password field
  5. Enter the username or email of the target
  6. Enter the location of the password dictionary/list
  7. Let it run and wait for eternity

Check out the medium post if you want a more elaborate guide.


This project (Callow) and it's contributors do not support or take responsibility for any form of unethical acts. This software is purely for educational purposes and is not intended to cause any harm.